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中島由夫|Yoshio Nakajima

中島由夫は、スウェーデンに在住して60年近く、アスガー・ヨルン(Asger Jorn)らコブラ派のメンバーを始め多くのアーティストたちと芸術運動に関わるなどし、パフォーマンスを行う他、絵画、陶芸作品などを製作してきました。スウェーデン国立ヴァーランド芸術大学在学(1966-1972)、Skånska Konstakademien(自由創造国際大学)初代校長に就任(1977-1986)。終生のモチーフとなる「白夜の太陽」を描き、1978年、スウェーデン政府文化アカデミー賞を受賞。1989年ジョルジュ・ポンピドゥー国立芸術文化センター(パリ)にてアスガー・ヨルン(Asgar Jorn)賞を受賞。

Yoshio Nakajima was born in 1940 in the village of Kawamoto, Fukaya-city, Saitama prefecture, Japan. He is a Japanese visual and performance artist.

Yoshio Nakajima began his art career early. In the 1950s he was a pupil of Dada Kahn, a radical performance artist from Tokyo. He was involved in a variety of exhibitions in Amsterdam, Paris, London, Antwerp and Moscow. In Amsterdam, he came in contact with the Provo movement and worked together with them.

He came to Gothenburg in 1966 and became the first foreign student at the Valand Art Academy, University of Gothenburg. The same year, in connection with the Valand’s 100th anniversary, he staged a performance together with Bengt Hinnerson who was also a student at the school. He graduated from the Valand Academy in 1968. In Gothenburg, he staged a series of happenings and performances, a number of these on the main street and the square of Kungsportsavenyn. Yoshio Nakajima was one of the founders of the Nirvana Fluxus Scandinavia and Bouhaus Situationist, and worked together with Scandinavian situationists as Hardy StridJ. V. MartinJørgen Nash and Jens Jørgen Thorsen.

He is currently represented in over 40 art museums and more than 60 official collections around the world. He has organized more than 500 performances, including with Yoko OnoJohn Cage and Robert Rauschenberg.

In addition to all the happenings, events and performances, he has also created a large amount of graphics, paintings and objects. In 2004, Yoshio Nakajima took over Raus Stoneware Factory outside Helsingborg in Sweden, where he currently lives and works.

Instagram: yoshionakajimaarthall


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