プレスリリース/Press Release
城ヶ崎悟 | Satoru Jogasaki
開館時間:木金土日(月火水祝休) 13:00-18:00
Exhibition Period: 2023.10.05. to 11.04.
Open on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 13:00 to 18:00. (Closed on national holidays)
*Please make appointments if you prefer to visit outside of business hours.
【城ヶ崎悟個展 かたちに寄せて】
誰もがそれと解る「かたち」にイメージを無限に膨らませることができる線やトーンを織り込むことによって、対話のできる「構図」となるよう願っています。 ―城ヶ崎悟
城ヶ崎悟 | Satoru Jogasaki
1950年 鹿児島県肝属郡(旧高山町)に生まれる
1973年 多摩美術大学絵画科油絵専攻卒業
1979年 第34回南日本美術展。第5回海老原賞を受賞
1980年 鹿児島県海外派遣美術留学生として仏留学(’81年帰国)
1989年 第1回「風の芸術展」ビエンナーレまくらざき・佳作賞(’95)を受賞
1991年 第9回上野の森美術館油絵大賞展・特別優秀賞を受賞
1994年 明日への16人展(上野の森美術館・吉井画廊パリ支店) 風まくらざき現代美術選抜展(’96)
1995年 第4回「風の芸術展」ビエンナーレまくらざき・佳作賞を受賞
1996年 第39回安井賞展 田川市美術館大賞選定「英展」大邸亜細亜国際美術展(韓国)風まくらざき現代美術選抜展
1997年 第5回「風の芸術展」ビエンナーレまくらざき・大賞を受賞 鹿児島県芸術文化奨励賞を受賞
1999年 現代日本絵画の展望展(東京ステーションギャラリー)
2000年 第29回現代日本美術展・賞候補
2001年 城ヶ﨑悟展「種をまく人」(南溟館 枕崎市)
2005年 作家の視展(上野の森美術館大賞展入賞者展・’06、’07出品)
2007年 風の芸術展受賞作家作品展(南溟館 枕崎市)
2009年 「風の器」(三宅美術館 鹿児島市)
2021年 「つくられしものたち」城ヶ﨑悟展(福岡アジア美術館)
鹿児島県庁、鹿児島市立美術館、上野の森美術館、 南溟館、長島美術館、三宅美術館など
Webサイト: https://satoru-jogasaki.jp/
Esther Okada Art Gallery is pleased to present for the first time Satoru Jogasaki with his new series of oil paintings. Jogasaki’s approach to paintings stems from Cubism and Constructivism but he develops these ideas in his own way. His motifs, which are often deliberately simplified and contain a sense of humor and warmness, may at first give viewers an impression of Naïve Arts. He is highly talented in simplifying objects and also skilled at its composition. When viewers approach the painting, they will be drawn into the deepness and complexity of its matière and they will be force to look deeply into the tableau in a very natural manner. His works let us pause for a moment and look attentively. This act will remind us of the fundamental joy we have when we appreciate artworks. We hope you enjoy the exhibition of his latest series of works.
“I depict familiar shapes using some lines and color tones, which allow viewers to stretch the image infinitely in their mind, and wish that the composition will be interactive.” -Satoru Jogasaki
Satoru Jogasaki | 城ヶ崎悟
Born in Kagoshima, Japan in 1950. Graduated from Tama Art University (BA in Oil Painting) in 1973. After graduating from the university, he received some prestigious awards and spent a year in France as part of a program offered by the government of Kagoshima. After returning to Japan, he continues to receive major art awards in Japan, such as Kaze no Geijutsuten (Kagoshima) and Ueno Royal Museum Grand Prize (Tokyo). His works are held in the collection of several museums in Japan. He is based in Kagoshimia and holds solo exhibitions regularly both in museums and in galleries all over Japan.
Webサイト: https://satoru-jogasaki.jp/